Bibliografie: |
- Kockelmann, H., Untersuchungen zu den späten Totenbuch-Handschriften
auf Mumienbinden, Band I.1-2: Die Mumienbinden und
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publiés ou signalés, Paris 1987., 5 ("Alnwich").
- Birch, S. (Hg.), Catalogue of the Collection of Egyptian Antiquities
at Alnwick Castle, London 1880., 207.
- Dawson, Warren R.; Uphill, Eric P., Who was Who in Egyptology. A
Biographical Index of Egyptologists of Travellers. of
Travellers, Explorers and Excavators in Egypt; of Collectors of
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Authors, Benefactors, and others whose names occur in the
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but excluding persons now living, 2. Auflage, London
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